• Smokemaster SM2

Smokemaster SM2 automatic smoke curtain

The Smokemaster SM2 is a movable, automatic smoke curtain. It channels or contains the smoke and heat emitted from a fire preventing the movement from one area to another.

The Smokemaster SM2 smoke curtain is well suited to most industrial and commercial buildings as it is are unobtrusive, moving to its active position only when it is needed.

Product information

Features and benefits

Wide range of options - Smokemaster is highly adaptable to the physical constraints of the building. All system components – headboxes, fabric, bottom bars, drive systems – can be customised to your needs. 

High performance - It is designed to operate for 2,000 cycles at normal ambient temperatures in the range from 0ºC to 60ºC, and to withstand hot air and smoke at temperatures up to 600 ºC for up to 30 minutes once only.

Certified performance - It has been successfully tested and certified to BS 7346-3. The fabric has been tested to BS 476.

Configurations and sizes - Smokemaster can either be supplied as single unit, or can be butted up to an adjacent unit where continuous runs are required, using overlapped fabric to form a continuous barrier.

Single smoke curtain units are available from up to 6000mm, and drops are available up to 8000mm. However the maximum drop is determined by the curtain length.

Control system - Smokemaster can be made capable of operation as an integrated part of a smoke control and fire management scheme, with emergency power units and the facility to interface directly with a fire control panel.

The system is fully protected and fail-safe to avoid the need for fire rated cabling, with a 30 minute time delay to maintain units in the raised position in the event of a temporary interruption to the power supply. If power is not returned, units will descend to the down / default position after a time lapse.

The roller descends under gravity in a failsafe manner at a controlled velocity.

Design service - Colt provides a pre-order design service. Please contact Colt for more information relating to the application, specification, installation or servicing of Smokemaster.



Electrically operated automatic smoke curtain, to prevent the movement of smoke and heat from one area to another in a fire. “Gravity failsafe” descent.

Dimensions/ size range

Overall curtain lengths for single units are available from 1500 to 6000 mm, and drops are available from 500 to 8000 mm. However the maximum drop is determined by the curtain length.


The system is failsafe to avoid the need for fire rated cabling, with a 30 minute time delay to maintain units in the raised position in the event of a temporary interruption to the power supply. If power is not returned, units will descend to the down / default position after a time lapse. Curtain descends under gravity at a controlled velocity.



Complete product tested to BS 7346 part 3 1990.

  • Maintains structural integrity at 600 °C for 30 minutes in accordance with BS 7346 : Part 3.
  • The fabric has a Class 1 surface spread of flame when tested to BS 476 : Part 7 and a fire propogation index I = 2.7 when tested to BS 476: Part 6.
  • Designed to operate for 2,000 cycles at normal ambient temperatures in the range from 0ºC to 60ºC, and to withstand hot air and smoke at temperatures up to 600ºC for 30 minutes once only.


  • Overall system tested to and in compliance with BS 7346 part 3 1990.
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